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Version: 0.3.5

The Kabelwerk object

The Kabelwerk object is a singleton that opens and maintains the websocket connection to the Kabelwerk backend. It is also used for retrieving and updating the connected user's info, opening inboxes, and creating and opening rooms.

import Kabelwerk from 'kabelwerk';

url: 'wss://',
token: 'signed.jwt.token',
refreshToken: async (token) => token,
logging: 'info',

Kabelwerk.on('ready', () => {
// this event is fired once: when the initial connection is established and
// the other methods are ready to be used (openInbox, openRoom, etc.)

Kabelwerk.on('error', (error) => {
// e.g. if the token is invalid

Kabelwerk.on('disconnected', () => {
// this event is fired every time when the connection drops

Kabelwerk.on('connected', () => {
// this event is fired every time when the connection is automatically
// re-established after a disconnect



let user = Kabelwerk.getUser(); = 'Nana';

.then((user) => {
console.assert( == 'Nana');
console.assert(kabel.getUser().name == 'Nana');
.catch((error) => {
// e.g. if the server times out


let inbox = Kabelwerk.openInbox();

See the inboxes page.


// to create a new room for the connected user in the given hub
Kabelwerk.createRoom(hubIdOrSlug).then(({ id }) => {
let room = Kabelwerk.openRoom(id);

// if you already have the room's id
let room = Kabelwerk.openRoom(roomId);

See the rooms page.

On the hub side

The Kabelwerk object provides some additional functionality if the connected user is a hub user:

.then(() => {
// { id, name, users }
.catch((error) => {
// e.g. if the connected user is not a hub user

List of constants

List of methods

  • Kabelwerk.config(options) → Sets the configuration. This method should be called at least once before invoking Kabelwerk.connect() in order to set an authentication token.
  • Kabelwerk.connect() → Establishes connection to the server. Usually all event listeners should be already attached when this method is invoked.
  • Kabelwerk.createRoom(hubIdOrSlug) → Creates a chat room between the connected user and a hub. Returns a Promise resolving into an { id } object holding the ID of the newly created room. This method is intended to be used on the end side.
  • Kabelwerk.disconnect() → Removes all previously attached event listeners and closes the connection to the server.
  • Kabelwerk.getState() → Returns the current connection state.
  • Kabelwerk.getUser() → Returns the connected user, as an { id, key, name } object.
  • Kabelwerk.loadHubInfo() → Loads info about the connected user's hub. Returns a Promise resolving info an { id, name, users } object. This method is only available on the hub side.
  •, ref) → Removes one or more previously attached event listeners. Both parameters are optional: if no ref is given, all listeners for the given event are removed; if no event is given, then all event listeners attached to the Kabelwerk object are removed.
  • Kabelwerk.on(event, listener) → Attaches an event listener. See next section for a list of available events. Returns a short string identifying the attached listener — which string can be then used to remove that event listener via the, ref) method.
  • Kabelwerk.once(event, listener) → The same as the Kabelwerk.on(event, listener) method, except that the listener will be automatically removed after being invoked — i.e. the listener is invoked at most once.
  • Kabelwerk.openInbox(params) → Initialises and returns an inbox object with the given parameters.
  • Kabelwerk.openNotifier() → Initialises and returns a notifier object.
  • Kabelwerk.openRoom(roomId) → Initialises and returns a room object for the chat room with the given ID. Alternatively, the method can be called without a parameter, in which case one of the rooms belonging to the connected user will be opened — useful when you have a single hub.
  • → Pings the Kabelwerk server and invokes the given callback with the round-trip time in milliseconds when the response is received. Returns a boolean indicating whether the ping has been sent.
  • Kabelwerk.updateDevice(attributes) → Sets and/or updates push notifications settings for the currently connected device. Expects a { pushNotificationsToken, pushNotificationsEnabled } object where the token is a Firebase registration token and the other value is a boolean allowing you to toggle the sending of push notifications to the currently connected device. Returns a Promise. If you do not want to have push notifications, you can safely ignore this method — in which case also no information about the currently connected device will be stored in the Kabelwerk database.
  • Kabelwerk.updateUser(attributes) → Updates the connected user's name. Expects a { name } object and returns a Promise.

List of events

  • error → Fired when there is a problem establishing connection to the server (e.g. because of a timeout). The attached listeners are called with an extended Error instance.
  • ready → Fired when the connection to the server is first established and the Kabelwerk object is ready to be used. The attached event listeners are called with a { user } object containing info about the connected user.
  • connected → Fired when the connection to the server is established. This could be either because Kabelwerk.connect() was invoked, or it could be due to automatically re-establishing the connection after a connection drop. In the former case, the Kabelwerk object may not yet be ready to be used as it may still have to fetch some data from the server (such as the connected user's info). Useful for displaying the connection's status to the user.
  • disconnected → Fired when the connection to the server is dropped. Useful for displaying the connection's status to the user.
  • user_updated → Fired when the connected user's attributes are changed. The attached listeners are called with the up-to-date { id, key, name } object.

See also