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Version: 0.3.3


A chat message object has the following fields:

  • html → The content of the message in HTML format — wrapped in <p> tags, with newlines within paragraphs converted to <br> tags, and with markdown syntax already processed. HTML special characters in the original user input are escaped. You should use this field when rendering chat room messages.
  • id → The message's unique integer ID.
  • insertedAt → Server-side timestamp of when the message was first stored in the database. The value is a standard Date object.
  • roomId → The ID of the room to which the message belongs.
  • text → The content of the message in plaintext format — the original user input with HTML entities escaped. You may want to use this field when rendering inbox items or notifications.
  • type → The type of the message — either text, image, or room_move, with the latter only available on the hub side.
  • updatedAt → Server-side timestamp of when the message was last modified. If the message has not been edited, this will be the same as the insertedAt timestamp. The value is a standard Date object.
  • upload → Either null or an upload object if the message is of type image.
  • user → The user who posted the message, as an { id, key, name } object.


The following markdown syntax can be used in messages:

User inputHTML output
*single asterisks*<em>single asterisks</em>
_single underscores_<em>single underscores</em>
**double asterisks**<strong>double asterisks</strong>
__double underscores__<strong>double underscores</strong>
[link](<a href="" target="_blank">link</a><a href="" target="_blank"></a>

See also