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Version: 0.1.4

Kabelwerk Message Form

The <KabelwerkMessageForm> component renders an input form for posting new messages in a chat room.

Most probably you will not directly use the <KabelwerkMessageForm> component in your code — on the contrary, it is likely that you will want to replace it with a component of your own.


// example using expo-document-picker
const pickImage = function () {
return DocumentPicker.getDocumentAsync({
copyToCacheDirectory: false,
type: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'],
}).then((result) => {
if (result.type == 'cancel') {
return Promise.reject();

return {
type: result.mimeType,
uri: result.uri,




Called when the user intends to post a new message in the chat room via the form. Called with an { text } object for text messages and with an { uploadId } object for image messages. It should return a Promise which resolves if the message has been posted successfully.


Called when the user intends to upload a new file in the chat room via the form. Called with the resolved value of the pickImage callback (see below). It should return a Promise which resolves into an upload object if the file has been uploaded successfully.


Called when the user intends to pick an image for uploading in the chat room. Called without arguments, the function should return a Promise which resolves into an { name, type, uri } object — which can then be uploaded to the Kabelwerk backend via the postUpload callback.

See also